September is Stewardship Month
Our Images of Stewardship
We all know of the many and varied examples of stewardship & good stewards spoken of by Christ in the gospels: who can forget the wise caretaker, or the cunning steward, or even the magi of the Epiphany? But there were so many others: the rich young man; the youngster with the 5 barley loaves and two fish; the weeping women of Jerusalem; the woman who anointed the feet of Jesus with perfumed oil and dried them with her hair; just to mention a few. And of course, even after the gospelsinto our own timewe see so many different ways to live as good stewards: what about the communal life lived out in the early church, with all the faithful sharing equally as one the many resources they were blessed with? And, consider those who assisted the disciples in sharing the message of Christ’s dying and rising with the vast new lands and peoples that had yet to hear of His name? And, even in the face of persecution, trial and certain death, the martyrs and so many countless saints simply offered all that they hadeven their very livesin order to follow Christ most intimately and faithfully.
From all of these images and more, we can see that responsible stewards are asked to trust the God who continually blesses them with goodness & bounty, and to offer a return in gratitude, so as never to forget the author of goodness and generosity.
May we make a full, trusting and sacrificial return to the author of the goodness with which we are blessed: may our stewardship by prudent, generous, faithful and filled with gratitude!
September is Stewardship Month