Our Parish Music Ministry consists of dozens of volunteers who share their musical talents.
Cantors lead the assembly in song by singing all of the music during a Liturgy from the Altar area, in front of the Congregation. Cantors should be strong and confident in their singing. The ability to sight read music is necessary at times.
The “Senior” Choir sings primarily at the 11am Mass, and practices on Thursdays at 6:30pm. Members of the choir range in abilities, from beginners to well-experienced. Choir members must be able to sing on-key. The ability to read music is helpful, but not necessary if the singer is a good follower.
In the Fall of 2017 we introduced a Cherub Choir that often rehearses at the same time as the Children’s Choir but in the Chapel in a manner designed for pre-K, kindergarten and 1st graders who are just beginning to learn how to read. The Children’s Choir sings at least 4 times per year: Christ the King, Christmas, Easter and Mother’s Day (Crowning of Mary). The Children’s Choir and Teen Ensemble often combine on major feasts. The Teen Ensemble includes instrumentalists, singers and Teen Cantors. The Teens also provide music at the monthly Sunday LCC 7pm mass, occasional Sunday mornings and for major feasts. Please let your private instructor or your school’s vocal or instrumental music teacher that Carl Hackert is available to accompany parishioner’s of CSM for their NYSSMA solo competitions.
If you would be interested in serving as either a Cantor, Teen Cantor, or as a member of the Children’s Choir, Teen Ensemble, “Senior” Choir, Instrumentalist or all of the above, please contact Carl Hackert to schedule a simple audition–the audition process is private and takes less than 30 seconds for those interested in joining the choir, and a little longer for those interested in becoming a Cantor. Don’t worry. We will teach you to read music and the main qualifications we seek are: that you love music, you enjoy meeting & working with new people, and have a good sense of humor!
Finally, Carl Hackert is looking to train CSM members who have a piano or keyboard background to learn to play the church’s fantastic new organ which is equipped with a lot of cool MIDI features. If interested, please contact Carl. Carl’s church phone extension is #15. Carl’s cellphone is 518-469-5718. Email addresses are: carl@wp1333.wp3-o1.pgservers.com or carl_hackert@yahoo.com
Liturgical Music Schedule
Worship Aids & Readings during Coronavirus – download & use with streaming Masses
recordings from the 2009 St. Cecilia Sing concert