Regular Mass Schedule
Sunday Mass
- 8:00am
- 10:30am
Live Streaming
- The 8am Mass is live streamed weekly.
- In the event of technical difficulties at 8, the 10:30 Mass will be streamed instead.
Weekday Mass
- Monday at 8:30am
- Wednesday at 8:30am
Holy Days of Obligation
- Generally, on the Holy Day, Masses are celebrated on the Vigil at 6:30pm.
- Please check the listing in the bulletin (or our Facebook page) for exact details, as well as other opportunities in our other area parishes.
Other Sacramental Celebrations
- This Sacrament is celebrated regularly throughout the year at Sunday Eucharist. Interested parishioners are invited to contact the Parish Office to begin a program of pre-baptismal preparation. For more information, please click here to contact the Parish Office.
- This Sacrament usually takes place at the annual fall celebration with the Bishop. There are also celebrations of this Sacrament in particular circumstances within the ordinary life of our parish. Interested persons are cordially invited to contact the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis to inquire about this initiation process. For more information, please click here to contact Maureen Billa.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
- These Rites take place at the annual celebration of the Easter Vigil. Interested persons are cordially invited to contact the Parish Office to be enrolled in this initiation process. For more information, please click here to contact Joanne Cimma.
- This sacrament of God’s loving mercy is celebrated on non-holiday Thursdays beginning at 5:00 p.m., or at any other time & place of convenience.
- The Reconciliation Room is located just inside the main entrance of the church (use the wooden door with stained glass…you may go either face-to-face or behind a curtain).
- If you so desire, simply call the Parish Office to schedule. For more information, please click here to contact Ben Patten.
Anointing of the Sick
- Please call the Parish Office if you are expecting to undergo surgery or are seriously ill so that we might gently & prayerfully celebrate this Sacrament of God’s healing presence with those who call upon the Lord. Additionally, there are also seasonal communal celebrations of anointing. For more information, call the Parish Office.
- Registered parishioners wishing to celebrate this Sacrament at St. Mary’s are kindly asked to call the Parish Office at least nine months prior to any other arrangements (including date & time of the wedding) so that initial interviews & sacramental preparations can be made. For more information, please click here to contact the Parish Office.
- Also, if you are already married and wish to do something special for your marriage, consider Marriage Encounter! Visit
Holy Orders & Consecrated Life
- If you wish to discern a priestly or religious vocation, please call the Parish Office and Father Sam will gladly begin the process of discernment with you. Feel welcome to visit the Diocese’s vocation website at: