Last weekend, we went to the well with the Samaritan Woman.
And as we conversed with Jesus, we first saw him merely as “a Jew”. But later, as we listened while He spoke, we came to discover more about Him and we perceived Him as “a prophet”. Only after He shared with us the depth and beauty of who we are in His midst did we understand Him to be “the Christ”.
This weekend, we find ourselves again in His midst, but this time we are as the Blind Man who has no sense of this Jesus: blind since birth, we cannot hope to see except by the One who can restore our lost sight. We clearly admit from the outset, “I am he” who is blind. And we are challenged and ridiculed by those around us.
Yet, the more we ponder and share about the One who restores our sight, the more we come to see Him for who He is:
- first, He is “a healer”;
- later, He is “a prophet”;
- still later, the “Son of Man”;
- and finally, “Lord”!
If we share our lives with Christ, He will be able to share greatly His own life with us. If we share our life of faith with others, so much more will that life of faith impact our own…allowing us to grow in comprehension and witness…allowing us to proclaim “Christ, the Lord!”