So much of our life seems anything but connected to Jesus and expressive of our love for him. Our sheer busyness hardly leaves us with a moment to catch our breath, let alone be concerned with loving Jesus!
But, loving Jesus does not require that we pray all the time or that we are consciously aware of Jesus’ presence. Loving Jesus is a simple matter of keeping his commandments–being gentle and reverent toward others, having a clear conscience, doing good. Most of us are already trying each day to the things we need to do in order to be good Christians; but we also need to recognize that our good, concrete actions are actually the way we keep the Lord’s commandments. In other words, his commandments are pretty simple to know: love as he loved, be self-giving as he was, receive others as he did, do the Father’s will as he did. Most of all, keeping his commandments means opening ourselves to the Holy Spirit–the Advocate of Truth–who dwells within and around us…and who makes us like him.
By these things, we can be sure, that we love the Lord Jesus!