Last evening, forty-three of our 2nd graders celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the very first time. They experienced the Lord’s never-ending mercy and love, which they receive at no cost to themselves. Yes, we are forgiven freely by God once we are able to seek such a reconciliation.
Oftentimes, the sins of others can hurt us deeply and most painfully. Yet, if we acknowledge how God forgives us freely and readily, and further, if we keep in mind the truth that Christ’s whole offering of Himself was for just this exact purpose–our freedom from sin and death–then how much more might we be ready to freely offer forgiveness to those who hurt or offend us?
Today, consider someone who has hurt you deeply…pray to the Lord for courage and for conviction…and then forgive them as you have been forgiven: freely, fully, and with great love and mercy.