At the behest of our Holy Father, Pope Francis, this Saturday we will gather as a community to entreat the Lord our Savior, to grant us His gift of peace, especially among peoples who suffer the ruin of war and conflict. Not only in Syria, but throughout the world, where conflict reigns, may the God of Peace, through our Lady, Queen of Peace, grant us a share in His holy life. Our prayer at the Church of St. Mary at Clinton Heights will commence at the same hour as our Holy Father prays: beginning at 7:00pm this Saturday with a rosary for peace, a litany for God’s peace, exposition and adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament…and we will conclude with benediction & reposition at 7:45pm. Additionally, people of goodwill are invited to offer their own personal gifts of fasting and prayer throughout the day in ways they find beneficial. Please invite othersof any faithto please join with us for this solemn expression of our hope and prayer for peace throughout the world.