We celebrate on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. Most of us will gather with family and/or friends and share a meal and company. In the midst of all our celebrations, we need to aware of the blessings we have all received this past year. I cannot help but think about the farmers who worked hard in the fields so I could have something to eat. We cannot forget the migrant workers who worked in the hot sun for little pay so we could eat apples, strawberries, and many other seasonal foods. Another group we cannot forget all those who work in the service jobs….those who work in fast foods, waiters and waitresses, people who work in the supermarkets, the people who run the gas stations, the nurses and aids in the hospitals and nursing homes, among many. We all need to be thankful for our police, firefighters and emergency personnel who everyday keep us safe or get us to the hospital when we are sick. The Thanksgiving theme this year is not about thankfulness for the material things or the food on the table. Our thanksgiving needs to be about the people we interact with everyday who we may not see or just assume will be there. May God bless them all with peace and joy.