Christ is Risen! Yes, He is truly Risen!
Truth? Cross?
Now, an Empty tomb?
For the last three days, this is what has attracted our attention. So, how do we make any sense of it? In all reality, only in faith. But, the faith of a Christian is not faith in an idea or a concept that can measured or found under a microscope. The faith of a Christian is in the living person of Jesus Christ who is a real today as he was in that Upper Room, on Calvary and who left that tomb.
With the eyes of faith:
The Upper Room is the place where He gave us the very gift of Himself in the Eucharist and the mandate of discipleship: serve each other
The Cross is the eternal sign that all darkness is destroyed. There is always mercy and forgiveness. It is in the Cross we find the true meaning of Love: true love is to sacrifice oneself for another who is friend or stranger, sinner or saint, poor or rich: for all people.
The Empty tomb is the sign of the truth that Jesus conquered the power of death. He overcame the grave and it has no power on those who faith in Him. When we come face to face with the tomb, as sad as it is and as bad as we feel, our friend Jesus stands right next to us. He lets us know we are not alone and death is conquered. He is our Hope. He is our Light. He is the Love that conquered death.
The mystery of this holy day is that our friend Jesus who loves us so much that he died and rise of us….
just think of that, Jesus died for you……Jesus rose for you…..for each one of us.
He freely did this and only asks one thing in return……Love each other in the same way. Like Him, our love cannot be contingent on who the person is; he commands us to love all people no matter who they are.
Loving this way means we encounter the Cross and struggle, ours and others, but we also the empty Tomb promises victory and hope. We encounter sin, but also forgiveness We will know defeat and pain, but also victory and healing We will come face to face with death, and find Life eternal, Jesus our Risen Lord.
Like the man born blind who eyes were touched by Jesus with mud and spit, may our eyes be opened to see with eyes of faith. The grace of this Easter is the grace of faith to see the powerful Love of God in Jesus Himself and in the mystery of His life
So, now with eyes of faith is all makes sense
An Upper Room: the gift of Sell and Service The Cross: the truth of God’s self-giving Love
The Empty Tomb: Life and Hope
Now, it all makes sense!
Christ is Risen! Yes, He is truly Risen!