Lent is quickly approaching. In this coming week’s bulletin, I gave a short reflection on what we can do for Lent. In the daily lectionary, we read the Gospel of Ash Wednesday every other year, in the middle of the summer. It always reminds me that the three traditional practices of Lent are spiritual practices we need to incorporate into our spiritual life all year round. If we give something up for Lent, like candy or desserts and do not connect it those who go without, then our fasting is only a diet to loose weight. The result of the practice is to bring up closer to the Lord and to a more authentic practice of the faith.
When I was retreat last week, I took myself off the web. I was amazed the difference. To get off the grid was an opportunity to refocus on the Lord only and to re awaken with me the beauty of the world around. I would highly encourage this for every Christian. To regularly practice this type of fasting, I believe will create a space for God to speak to us. My prayer for the parish is that the growth we begin this Lent will be the beginning of a relationship with the Lord that continues beyond Easter