God can transform anything in our lives into grace.
It would have been a great embarrassment to the wedding couple and their families if they had run out of wine. They would have been dishonored. On the surface, it looked like an insurmountable problem. To God, hardly. Through the intersession of the Mother of God, Jesus transformed a problem into a sign of the abundant grace the flows out into the world from His divine heart.
Jesus can do the same thing for each of us. We all have things we deal with on a daily basis that can seem overwhelming and unsolvable. Do we ask God to give us the grace to deal with whatever it is? I am convinced that God doesn’t solve the problem but gives us the knowledge and grace to do it. Everyday we encounter small changes that we think we must solve alone. We don’t. We have the intercession of the saints and God’s grace to depend on. It could be that the Holy Moment we want to work on this week would be to ask God to help us solve on problem that comes up every day. The problem doesn’t need to be as big as a wedding running out of wine, but something we are struggling with.
The wedding feast of Cana is the manifestation of the power of God that is active and alive in the world. Like Jesus was the sign of the Father in his time; we now are the signs of Jesus in our time. Like he changed the water into wine, the grace of God can change the world through His grace that flows within each of us. In each situation that we encounter this week, if we are open to letting God use us, the water of grace will transform it into the wine of His presence. Let us be the instruments of God’s grace this week so he can transform the world.