Just four days ago, we began this great and humbling season of Lent: our annual pilgrimageas it wereof 40 days, through which we will strive to draw closer and closer to the Lord of life. If this is the case, where is He today that we might find Him? In the desert…being tested and tempted…and remaining faithful always to the Father. Christ’s faithfulness is unending…thanks be to God!
Well, then, where are weHis disciplesto go?
On Ash Wednesday, we were covered in ashes; we accepted a seal which marked the renewal of the covenant between us and the Savior. We chose that we should return to the dust from which we came, in order that we might rise to a new and glorious life in Christ. Yes, sealed in dust, the covenant between us and Godthat was once made at our baptismwas furthered, continued, solidified and strengthened. We were reminded of our promise to “believe in the gospel”.
And what does this gospel share with us?
In our first reading, God established through Noah a great and eternal covenant. Repeating His promise five different times, the Lord solemnly swore that He would always be our God, no matter what! And in love, our Godaccording to the letter of St. Peter heard in our second readingsends us His Son, that He might suffer for our own, many and particular sins, so that He might lead us always back to God and to authentic Love. Going even so far as to descend into the depths of hell and the realm of the dead, Christ longs to prove to usyet again and alwaysthat God is ever-faithful to His covenant, ever-true to His promise of love.
So as we enter deeply into this season of Lent; this season of temptation, of dread, of suffering, of torment, of purification, please trust, my dear brothers and sisters, that Christ has been thereand remains in those places…to draw us up, to hold us fast, to encourage us lovingly, and to raise us up again…to the glory of God the Father.
Be not afraid in these 40 days:
- even in darkness, Christ is our Light;
- even in sorrow, Christ is our Joy;
- even in suffering, Christ is our Consolation and our Hope.
God bless you throughout this holy season.