Since March 2020, our life as a parish community has changed as we grounded to a halt to protect ourselves and others. As we have gradually reopened, we began our return to in person Sunday worship with one Mass at 10:00am. The time has come to return to our regular Sunday morning schedule of 8:00am and 11:00am beginning next weekend 9/20. However, all the COVID restrictions remain in place. We are limited to a maximum of 70 people per Mass, you MUST register for whatever Mass you attend. Those who register will be seated first. If you did not register, we will need check numbers before you can be seated. Communion will remain at the end of Mass for the time being, and the Church MUST be disinfected after each Mass. As we enter Fall and Winter, we must be vigilant about masks in the Church, social distancing, and hand washing. If you feel sick in anyway: flu, stomach issues, etc., please stay home and watch Mass live-streamed. The obligation to attend remains suspended by the Bishop. We will be live-streaming the 8:00am, but you can watch it at any time. We will still have communion in the parking lot after the 11:00am Mass for the time being (probably until it snows).
I hate to be a pest but remember your offerings to the Church. I am strongly suggesting e-giving because if we close again (and we could and probably will), the e-giving determines the amount of cash that can be depended on weekly to pay salaries, lights, heat, etc.
One of the many things that I have learned these past months is that this parish community must be rooted in Jesus and in him alone to be alive.